Quest for Presence: Re-Imagine Time for Well-Being

Waking Up to the Map-Part 2

Dr. Joel Bennett Season 1 Episode 2

Why is that people don’t think about time other than clock-time? In this second part of Waking Up to the Map, we explore different answers, including time compression, addiction, ego (Edging God Out), resistance, and believing that the phrase “time is money” is anything more than a metaphor. We also prepare to read the first part of “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence” (or ‘CoT’ by Joel Bennett).  

Our hosts – Joel, Art, Kristie, and Ronnie – each contribute to a way out of this blind adherence to clock-time. We talk about: (1) embracing the fact that life is messy; chaos is real; (2) realizing that the present is just that – a gift!; (3) thinking about time as multi-dimensional and that we don’t have to stay in one dimension; (4) going with the flow; (5) being more mindful of how we use the word time (and “busy”); and more.

This episode refers to the book Full Catastrophe Living (by John Kabat-Zinn), the Buddhist Noble Truth that “all is suffering,” the idea of non-resistance from Taoism, and the work of the C.S. Lewis who had his own theology of time. (#addiction, #takeyourtime, #timecompression, #chaos, #acceptance).